Search Stolen Vehicle/Boat Parts
This page is used to search for a stolen vehicle or boat part as entered by a law enforcement agency within the State of Florida.
The criteria required for the search is a Serial Number or an Owner Applied Number. Only one of these can be specified for the stolen part search.
The system will allow a maximum of 20 characters to be entered for the Serial Number and Owner Applied Number.
View Stolen Vehicle/Boat Part Search Results
When performing a stolen vehicle or boat part search, the system will display the results of the search in a table that includes the following column headers.
- Brand
- Type of Part
- Serial Number
- Owner Applied Number
- Reporting Agency
If an image exists in the system for a stolen part, a camera icon will be displayed next to the Brand information. A blank field indicates there is no data available for it. To view a part that has been reported stolen, please click the available part link.
View Stolen Vehicle/Boat Part
The View Stolen Vehicle/Boat Part page will display all information entered for the stolen part by the reporting agency that will include the following information:
- Serial Number
- Owner Applied Number
- Reporting Agency
- Agency Case #
- Date of Theft
- Brand
- Type of Part
- Engine Power or Displacement
A blank field indicates that there was no data entered for it.
If an image exists in the system for a stolen part, it will be displayed.
The View Stolen Vehicle/Boat Part page will have a "Send A Tip" button that will allow for an e-mail to be sent to the reporting agency if you have information regarding the stolen part. The View Stolen Vehicle/Boat Part page will also display, if available, the phone number of the reporting law enforcement agency. If you wish to report a tip without disclosing your name, you may do so.